General Safety Resources

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility - this CDC article lists steps for cleaning, steps when someone is sick, and considerations for employers.

Centro de la Familia: Crisis hotline offering service in Spanish at 719.432.5305.

Denver Human ServicesReport elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation in the city and county of Denver at 720-944-4DHS.

Department of Homeland Security and FEMAStaying home saves lives - learn how to prepare. Direct from the Department of Homeland Security, learn about FEMA's response to coronavirus, how to manage your health and safety during a pandemic, how to slow the spread of coronavirus, making an emergency plan, readying your children and family for disasters, business continuity planning, emergency alerts, and how to save early for disasters.

How to Wear a Cloth Face Covering: The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. This article explains best practices of wearing masks and also provides examples of how to make your own.
Immigrant Resource Guide in English and SpanishThis resource guide for the COVID-19 pandemic has been compiled by the Center for Health Progress with attention toward undocumented and mixed status households. These families need to safely access community resources knowing their immigration status will not be a barrier to receiving food assistance, rental assistance, or health services during this public health emergency. The information will be updated frequently as the situation evolves and more resources are shared across the network of providers, advocates, and government stakeholders. ENGLISH - SPANISH
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): This site provides information from OSHA for workers and employers about the evolving coronavirus outbreak. The information includes links to interim guidance and other resources for preventing exposures to, and infection with, the novel coronavirus.
Ralston House: If you suspect that a you or a child/teen you know has been victim to physical, sexual, or emotional harm, or have witnessed a violent crime, help is available. Call the Child Abuse Hotline at 844-CO-4-KIDS immediately. Spanish language services are available.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)Community-based domestic violence organizations are OPEN and available to provide services to survivors of domestic violence and their families. The services may look a little different - remote advocacy via technology, for instance - but advocates are there to help. If shelters are full, there is funding through the Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance for motel rooms. The best way to get connected to a local resource is to call the National DV hotline at 800.799.7233 or
The Crisis Center24-hour crisis hotline at 888.247.7472 from The Crisis Center in Littleton.