Strategic Plan Community Workshops

Adams County is committed to leading in the mitigation and adaptation of natural and man-made hazards, elevating environmental justice, and fighting against the disparate negative impacts of climate, disaster, and pathological risk of historically disadvantaged and underrepresented communities across the county. To this end, the county is building upon previous work to identify community vulnerabilities and create policies, strategies, and programs to enhance community capacity to withstand, recover, and adapt to evolving risks through the development and implementation of the Adams County Long-Term Recovery and Resiliency Strategic Plan. To ensure this plan accurately reflects the needs, concerns, and priorities of our residents, businesses, partners, and visitors alike, Adams County invites you to participate in a series of upcoming community workshops to hear your perspectives and gather critical input into the recovery and resiliency needs and opportunities of your community.

Seven community workshops and listening sessions will be hosted, with each workshop focusing on a strategic sector related to the recovery and long-term resiliency of Adams County.

  • Economy: Addressing economic considerations vital to a thriving Adams County, including workforce development, business sector education, and innovation.
    Thursday, June 20, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
    Adams County Government Center, Platte River D, 4430 S. Adams County Pkwy., Brighton
  • Infrastructure: Improving the resiliency and sustainability of infrastructure to reflect the social, economic, and environmental needs of Adams County.
    Thursday, June 20, 1-3 p.m. 
    Adams County Government Center, Platte River D, 4430 
  • Watersheds and Natural Resources: Protecting, enhancing, and restoring the natural environment throughout Adams County.
    Friday, June 21 9:30-11:30 a.m. 
    Bennett Park & Recreation District, 455 S. 1st St., Bennett
  • Community Partnerships:  Fostering meaningful and impactful partnerships among County agencies and community-based organizations to meet the long-term recovery and resiliency needs of the community.
    Friday, June 21, 1:30-3:30 p.m.  
    Adams County Human Services Center, Apple A, 11860 Pecos St., Westminster
  • Community: Building community-based capabilities and resources to empower organizations, neighborhoods, and residents with resiliency and recovery capacity.
    Saturday, June 22, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
    Anythink Wright Farms, Meeting Room A & B, 5877 E. 120th Ave., Thornton
  • Housing: Collaborating on strategies for sustainable, affordable housing solutions to meet the needs of the whole community.
    Monday, June 24, 9-11 a.m.
    Adams County Human Services Center, Apple C & D, 11860 Pecos St., Westminster
  • Health and Well-Being: Integrating efforts across health and social service networks to empower communities, expand access, and improve health outcomes.
    Monday, June 24, 1-3 p.m.
    Human Services Center, Apple C & D, 11860 Pecos St., Westminster  

Adams County is making every effort to remove barriers and facilitate your participation in each of these workshops, as several dates, times, and locations have been strategically chosen to accommodate as many participants from across the county as possible. Additionally, the county will provide gift cards to residents who attend one or more full workshops in-person. We will also provide free childcare, refreshments, and on-site language translation services. Finally, if you are not able to join us in person, we invite you to participate virtually:

Your participation provides the opportunity to inform and influence the vision, objectives, and programs that can dramatically enhance the lives and livelihoods of the Adams County community. Please RSVP here.