Adams County Introduces COVID-19 Response and Recovery Website

As part of a COVID-19 emergency management response and recovery strategy, Adams County launched a new website dedicated to providing key resources to support residents and businesses:

This strategy includes newly created Response and Recovery teams addressing business support, childcare for critical personnel, food security and basic essentials, housing stability, senior services, support for the unemployed and future workforce, and uninsured and healthcare access.

“We are in unprecedented times, and that’s why it is so important to work hand-in-hand with our municipalities to lead as one county through this crisis,” said Board of County Commissioners Chair Emma Pinter. "It’s our responsibility to address the needs of our residents and business community no matter in what town or city they reside.”

In addition to information on the Response and Recovery teams, the website also provides a range of resources available to all residents and businesses in the above topics and how best to access those resources.

“The importance of uniformity and coordination in communication allows us to be more effective in responding to the needs of the Adams County community,” said County Manager Raymond Gonzales. “While sometimes it can feel like there are divides between jurisdictional boundaries, we are all Adams County residents. That is more important now than ever during this ongoing public health crisis. We are all in this together."

There are opportunities available for cross-sector community partners to participate and stay abreast of what others are doing for emergency management, to share resources, and to identify and provide opportunities for coordinating efforts. Learn more about the Response and Recovery teams.

In addition to the website, there is now a direct connection for residents and businesses with COVID-19 questions—email us at [email protected].