Adams County Launches 5 Star Certification Program to Help Local Businesses Reopen Safely

5 Star ProramAs part of its COVID-19 emergency response and recovery strategy, Adams County will help spur economic activity that has been limited due to COVID-19 restrictions and indoor capacity limits through the launch of the Maintain & Sustain Adams – 5 Star Certification Program.

The Maintain & Sustain Adams – 5 Star Certification Program allows businesses that provide a safety plan and establish more stringent safety protocols additional flexibility to operate under the State’s dial system.Certified businesses will be allowed to operate with indoor capacity limits one level less restrictive on the COVID dial system than where the county is currently operating on the dial.

As Adams County’s dial position moves, program participants who remain in good standing will continue to operate at one level less restrictive than the current county level and do not have to re-apply. The county has applied to the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) for full recognition of the program and is waiting on an official response, but businesses can apply through the online portal now to jump-start the process. This is a pilot program open to the first 100 applicants.

“Many businesses have invested money and time into reopening safely during this pandemic, and we want to reward them for their efforts,” said Board of Commissioners Chair Emma Pinter. “As long as a business maintains its certification, it can operate under a less restrictive level than would be possible otherwise.”

This is an initial pilot phase of the program and will be open to 100 businesses. With further CDPHE approvals, which are expected in February, the program will be opened to a greater number of businesses.

“We’ve come up with an easy, centralized process to accept and approve applications and monitor business compliance,” said County Manager Raymond Gonzales. “So many businesses are eager to participate and this is a way they can safely start to get back to normal.”

There is no cost for businesses to apply for the program, and all requirements are listed on the application portal page. Businesses must submit a safety plan and outbreak mitigation plan, required by CDPHE, with their applications. An on-site inspection, scheduled to begin in early February, is required to verify the necessary safety protocols are in place. Businesses must maintain their certification by adhering to safely protocols, and the certification may be revoked if businesses fall out of compliance.

This program will be administered through Adams County in conjunction with Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) and municipalities within Adams County. The application portal page also includes contact information, resources, and frequently asked questions from TCHD for further guidance.