Skyrocketing COVID-19 Cases Force Adams County to Level 3 of Safer at Home Starting October 28

Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment

Because Adams County incidence rates are almost double the level needed to stay in Level 2 of Safer at Home and hospitalizations are rising statewide, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) will move the county into Level 3 of Safer at Home on the state’s dial in hopes to quickly reduce the spread of the virus. The dial is a framework to inform counties about how they are doing to contain the virus and has five levels. Level 3 of Safer at Home is the highest risk level before Stay at Home measures. This change will take effect at 5 p.m. on October 28.

There is a provision in the order for Critical Government Functions, which states the operation and support of state and local government functions, including federal, state, and local elections, shall continue. Adams County's Voter Service and Polling Centers (VSPCs) will remain open on their normal operating schedule and in-person voting is available now through Election Day. 

“We understand it has been a very long year, but to avoid further restrictions from the Health Department, we need everyone in Adams County to pull together and do what needs to be done to get our numbers down,” said Emma Pinter, Adams County Commissioner and Board Chair. “Our goal is always to keep our businesses open and our communities thriving but to do that we need everyone to follow these new guidelines more closely than ever before.”

As of this morning, Adams County had a two-week incidence rate of 444.7 per 100,000, a two-week test positivity rate of 9.3%, and continues to experience daily increases from the prior two-week period for both. Of additional concern, rates of hospitalizations due to COVID-19 have also been rising among Adams County residents over the past several weeks, similar to trends occurring across Colorado. A Level 3 designation on the State’s dial means reduced capacity at many places of business including non-critical retail, manufacturing and restaurants.

“We did not want to see COVID-19 cases reach this level again, but unfortunately they have continued to rise to concerning levels despite the County’s excellent mitigation plan and last Friday’s Public Health Order introducing additional restrictions,” said John M. Douglas, Jr., MD, Executive Director of Tri-County Health Department. Our hope is that moving to Level 3 will reduce transmission of the virus in a short time period.”

Under the state’s updated Safer at Home Public Health Order,

  • Public and private gatherings are limited to no more than 10 individuals from no more the two households. (Note: Under TCHD’s Public Health Order issued Oct. 16, the limit is 5 for indoor gatherings and 10 for outdoor gatherings, which will be in effect until Sunday, Nov. 1, 2020, unless amended or extended.)
  • Non-critical Retail may operate at 25% of the posted occupancy limit.
  • Personal Services may operate at 25% of the posted occupancy limit, not to exceed 25 people, per room.
  • Restaurants may operate at 25% of the posted occupancy limit indoors not to exceed 50 people excluding staff, whichever is less, per room.
  • Houses of worship and Life Rites may operate at 25% or 50 people. For outdoor worship services, a house of worship must maintain 6 feet distance between non-household members
  • Indoor events may operate at 50 percent capacity or 25 people, whichever is fewer.
  • Recreation
    • Gyms, recreation centers and indoor pools are not authorized to open for in-person services; virtual services may be provided.
    • Outdoor recreational activities in groups of 10 people or fewer may occur, maintaining 6 feet Distancing Requirements between non-household contacts.

For a complete list of restrictions, see the updated Order.