Healthcare Information & News


Information Resources

2020 Executive Orders
CDC COVID-19 Web Page
Changes in Medicaid Telehealth Policies Due to COVID-19: Catalog Overview and Findings: In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Medicaid agencies have used these flexibilities to expand the use of telehealth in unprecedented ways. To learn more about the extent of these changes, the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) engaged Mathematica to catalog telehealth policies before the COVID-19 pandemic and those in response to it in 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 5 territories. This report summarizes the contents of the catalog, its data sources, and key findings.
Colorado COVIDLine720.902.9449 or 1.855.963.3721
Colorado COVID-19 Testing Information: Learn more about how to get tested for COVID-19.
Community Safer-at-Home ResourcesResources on how to social distance and mental health and guidelines for the community (e.g. Pre-schools, farmers' markets, workplaces, etc.).
COVID-19 and Your Health First Colorado and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) Coverage: Our members’ health and safety is our top priority. Health First Colorado is working with our government partners and all Health First Colorado doctors and providers to make sure our members will get the care they need.
COVID-19 Case Reporting: Reports on COVID-19 for Northglenn, Thornton, Aurora, and Adams County.
COVID-19 Case Update
COVID-19 Data ResourcesAs part of Tri-County Health Department's (TCHD) work to combat disinformation during COVID-19 and equip communities with the tools they need, TCHD created a medically vetted COVID-19 data resources for Adams County.
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For state Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Agencies
COVID-19 Information CardsAs part of Equality Labs' work to combat disinformation during COVID-19 and equip communities with the tools they need, Equality Labs created a medically vetted series of Coronavirus information cards, in an expansive array of languages. Disinformation during COVID-19 is more than just fake news — it can mean life or death in terms of how people take care of themselves and their loved ones. These cards are designed to be shared widely through social media, and you are encouraged to share them as a set. Sharing just one card out of the whole set could lead to confusion.
COVID-19 Telephone Town Hall: Held by Tri-County Health Department & Adams County GovernmentTown Hall that was previously held on March 24 at 7 p.m. Visit this link to view a recording.
COVID-19 Updates and Information
Do you have symptoms?Feeling sick? Have a fever or cough? Report your symptoms to our symptom tracker to help public health slow the spread of COVID-19.
Face Covering FAQsFrequently Asked Questions about recommending Face Coverings during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
FAQs on Diagnostic Testing for SARS-CoV-2: This page provides answers to frequently asked questions relating to the development and performance of diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2.
General Questions and Answers about COVID-19Frequently asked questions and answers for all things related to COVID-19.
Home Care Advice for COVID-19: If you are sick with COVID-19 or think you might have it, follow the steps in this document to help youself and to protect other people around you.
Home Health Telehealth: Telehealth allows for the monitoring of a member’s health status remotely via equipment, which transmits data from the member’s home to the member’s home health agency. The purpose of providing telehealth services is to assist in the effective management and monitoring of members whose medical needs can be appropriately and cost-effectively met at home through the frequent monitoring of data and early intervention. This service is provided under the Home Health Benefit through agencies that have opted to provide the telehealth service.
Interactive Map of COVID-19 Cases in Adams CountyThis website lists the number of COVID-19 cases in Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas Counties.
Isolation and Quarantine COVID-19 Fact SheetWhen you are SICK with COVID-19 symptoms, ISOLATE yourself from contact with others. Sick people are the source of infection to other people.
Medicaid State Plan Fee-for-Service Payments for Services Delivered Via TelehealthThis document is intended to assist states in understanding policy options for paying Medicaid providers that use telehealth technology to deliver services.
Office of eHealth InnovationIn response to COVID-19 the Office of eHealth Innovation (OeHI) and the eHealth Commission are actively working to address state and community needs. The Director, of OeHI has joined the Innovation Response Team Task Force to led the Telemedicine efforts. This task force is focused on leveraging the work of OeHI and the eHealth Commission to quickly harness the power of our private and public sector to advance our state's emergency response needs.
Primary Care Collaborative Survey: With COVID-19 affecting the way we work and provide care, it is now more important than ever to advocate for the resources we need. The Primary Care Collaborative has put together a survey to better understand the issues facing health care providers. Your participation in the survey is important as it will impact decisions made in Colorado around the COVID-19 response and support received. 
Re-opening clinics: We are reopening all of our clinics on July 1 for in-clinic care for all patients. We are also reopening our dental clinics for in-clinic services. Knowing that many individuals are still concerned about coming to health clinics with COVID still in our community, we are continuing to offer telehealth for medical, dental and behavioral health services. We are doing community testing for COVID at our Lafayette clinic (1735 S. Public Road, Lafayette) from 9 a .m. to noon, M-F. We are accepting new patients of all ages and will work with all individuals to assure that their care if affordable
Resources for Communication about COVID-19Welcome Partners! Communication around the COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be complex in making sure we get accurate information to as many people as possible. We could not do this without your help. Whether you are communicating with leaders, the public, colleagues, or multi-sector partners, this page has exclusive resources for you.
A Round-Up of Multi-Lingual Resources on COVID-19This blog post contains fact sheets, posters, multimedia resources, and links to live updates in multiple languages about COVID-19, its symptoms, and how to prevent it. Key CDC resources are listed first, followed by materials from other sources organized by type (sources include federal, state, and local government agencies, and selected nonprofit organizations). You can download materials by clicking on your desired language, or access the latest materials from each source by clicking through to each source page.
Screening Clients for COVID-19 at Homeless Shelters or EncampmentsThe following is a screening tool that can be used to identify people with possible symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Although not every person who has symptoms will have COVID-19, conducting daily screenings consisting of a series of simple questions can help identify people who may need medical care or isolation.
TCHD COVID-19  Web Page
Telemedicine Options for Medicaid Clients: Expanded Medicaid rules for telehealth visits released in March by Health First Colorado, the state Medicaid program managed by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), made such visits available to even more people in the state. Providers were previously reimbursed by Medicaid for visits over a computer screen, but the types of covered telehealth consultations have been significantly broadened.
Telemedicine Provider InformationCOVID-19 State of Emergency Changes to Telemedicine Services.
Testing for COVID-19Learn more about who is being prioritized for testing, what to do if you have COVID-19, and more. Note: There is no cost associated with COVID-19 testing by the state laboratory, but that testing has been prioritized for public health purposes. However, you may not be able to be tested at the state laboratory, unless you fall into one of the priority categories.

Multi-Lingual COVID-19 Resources

Aislamiento y cuarentenaEl aislamiento y la cuarentena ayudan a proteger a la población al impedir que esta se exponga a personas que han contraído la enfermedad o que han estado expuestas a personas enfermas. Por lo general, siempre que el lugar sea adecuado, la casa de la persona es el entorno de preferencia para el aislamiento y la cuarentena, según el Centro de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés).

Amarada Caafimaadka Dadwaynaha iyo TusmadaFarsamooyinka ugu wanaagsan ee dhammaan ganacsiyada, kUWA muhiimka ah iyo kuwa aan muhiimka ahayn

Cách ly và Cách ly kiểm dịchCách ly và cách ly kiểm dịch giúp bảo vệ công chúng bằng cách ngăn ngừa tiếp xúc với những người bị ốm hoặc đã tiếp xúc với người bị ốm. Nói chung, miễn là địa điểm phù hợp, nơi cư ngụ của một người là môi trường ưu tiên cho việc cách ly và cách ly kiểm dịch, theo CDC.

Các Sắc lệnh và Chỉ dẫn về Y tế Công cộngCác biện pháp thực hành tốt nhất cho tất cả các hoạt động kinh doanh, cả thiết yếu và không thiết yếu
Go'doomin iyo KarantiilGo'doomin iyo karantiil ayaa gacan ka gaysta difaacida bulshada ayadoo laga hortagaayo dadka jiran inay la kulmaan ama la joogay dadka kale ee jiran. Si guud, ilaa inta xaruntu tahay mid ku haboon, guriga qofku dagan yahay ayaa ah meesha ku fiican in lagu karantiilo laguna go'doomiyo, sida waafaqsan tilmaamaha CDC.
Órdenes de salud pública y orientaciónMejores prácticas para todos los negocios tanto esenciales como no esenciales
सामुदायिक स्वास््ि आदेश तथा मार्गदशगन: आवश्िक र र्ैर-आवश्िक सबैव्िवसािहरूका लारर् सवोत्तम अभ्िासहरू
隔离和检疫隔离和检疫有助于防止接触患者或与患者有过接触的人,从而保护公众。美国疾病预防控制中心表示,一般情况 下,只要地点合适,一个人的住所将是检疫和隔离的首选环境。
العزل والحجر الص حةماع ةف صبو .ضرملل مهضرعت قبس نيذلا صاخشلأل وأ ضرملل ضرعتلا عنم قيرط نع روهمجلا ةياقو لىع حصلا رجحلاو لزعلا دعاسي ضارملأا ةحفاكم زكارم تاهيجوت بسح ،ام ئلام ناكملا اذه ماد ام ،لزعلاو حصلا
पार्थक्य र क्वारेन्टाइि: पार्क्थ य र क्वारेन्टाइनले बिरामीभएका माननसहरू वा बिरामी भएका माननसहरूसँग अनावत्तृ भएका माननसहरूसँग अनावत्तृ हुन रोकेर सवसथ ाधारणलाई सरुक्षित राख्न मद्दत गदथछन।् सिडिसि अनिु ार िामान्यतया, स्थान उपयक्ुत रहन्जेलिम्म, कुनै व्यक्क्तको आवाि नैक्वारेन्टाइन र पार्र्् क्यका लागग सवर्थ ा उपयक्ुत हो।

New Social Media Pages for Spanish-Speakers: Governor Polis has created new Facebook and Twitter pages for Spanish-speaking residents. 

News Resources

Clinica Colorado Launches CovidLine, Free COVID-19 Screening and Telehealth Service for Uninsured in Colorado.
Polis Ordered Telehealth Fees Waived, So You Might Want to Know What Telehealth is and How It Works Now
Reopen ACA Insurance Enrollment until April 30 to Broaden Health Coverage
Trump Administration Releases COVID-19 Checklists and Tools to Accelerate Relief for State Medicaid and CHIP Programs.