
Statewide Mandatory Mask Order

Board of Commissioners Support Gov. Polis Statewide Mask Order

On behalf of the Adams County Board of Commissioners, I want to extend our support to Governor Polis for the statewide mandatory mask order. Incidents have increased 109% in Adams County over the past month, as well as across the state. It’s important to support this initiative to keep ourselves and our neighbors healthy and our businesses open. This is a necessary step to halt the spread of this virus that has already disrupted so much of our lives.

Adams County to Observe May 15 as a Day of Remembrance

To honor those who have lost their lives due to COVID-19, Adams County will join many municipalities, counties, and sports organizations across the state in a series of remembrance events. Moments of silence will be observed at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 15; Friday, May 22; and Friday, May 29.

Adams County Sheriff’s Deputies are encouraged to turn their lights and sirens on at the designated days and times, and the governor’s office has asked all municipalities and law enforcement agencies to participate.

Adams County Introduces AdCo To Go Campaign

With temporary closing of dine-in restaurants and stay-at-home ordinances, many Adams County restaurants, bars, and eating establishments are experiencing significant financial hardship. To help support these businesses, Adams County has partnered with economic development and chamber organizations throughout the region to create AdCo To Go. This program, developed by the Business Support Response & Recovery Team, connects open restaurants with residents.

County Buildings Closed Through April 30

Adams County offices are closed through April 30. Human Services, Animal Shelter, and Colorado Air and Space Port will provide essential services. Sheriff, District Attorney, Coroner, and Justice Center will remain open until further notice. 

Adams County Introduces COVID-19 Response and Recovery Website

As part of a COVID-19 emergency management response and recovery strategy, Adams County launched a new website dedicated to providing key resources to support residents and businesses:

This strategy includes newly created Response and Recovery teams addressing business support, childcare for critical personnel, food security and basic essentials, housing stability, senior services, support for the unemployed and future workforce, and uninsured and healthcare access.